Chemical Reactions of aldehydes and Ketones, Distinction between .aldehydes and ketones

  Chemical Reactions of aldehydes and Ketones, Distinction between .aldehydes and ketones

Table of Contents:

1         Introduction

1.1       What are aldehydes?

1.2       What are ketones?

2         Chemical Reactions

2.1       Nucleophilic addition reactions.

2.1.1        General Reaction

2.1.2        Ways in which Reaction occurs

2.2       Examples of Nucleophilic Addition in Aldehydes and Ketones

2.2.1        Attack of cyanide.

2.2.2        Condensation Reaction

2.2.3        Canizzaro’s Reaction

2.3       Reduction Reaction

2.4       Oxidation reaction

3         Reversibility of Nucleophilic Addition

4         Relative reactivity: Aldehydes vs Ketones

4.1       Stearic Factors

4.2       Electronic Factors

5         Practical distinctions between aldehydes and ketones

5.1       Tollen’s Test (Silver Mirror Test)

5.2       Fehling’s Solution/Benedict’s Solution test

5.3       Reaction with acidified Dichromate (4) Solution

5.4       Sodium Nitropuside test



·       Introduction:


These are theorganic compounds that have a carbonyl group bonded to a carbon atom on one side while hydrogen atom is present on the other side of the functional group. (Except for Formaldehyde that has hydrogen atom on both sides of carbonyl group)

General Formula:

For example: Acetaldehyde


These are compounds having carbon atom on both sides of the carbonyl carbon.

General Formula:

                          For example: Acetone     

  Chemical Reactions:

The most important reaction of ketones and aldehydes is nucleophilic addition to the C-O double bond of carbonyl group.

In general, the negative part of reagent i.e. Nucleophile attaches to carbon atom while the positive part of reagent (usually H) combines with Oxygen atom of carbonyl group.

As a result, addition product ‘adduct’ is obtained.

General Reaction:

For Example:

·         Generally, additions to carbonyl groups consist of two mechanistic steps:

1.      Attack of a nucleophile on carbonyl group.

2.      Protonation of anion thus formed.



Aldehydes and ketones undergo nucleophilic addition because of their special structural features:

§  The groups attached to carbonyl Carbon are arranged in trigonal planner symmetry which means the Carbonyl carbon atom is openly available to be attacked from above or below the plane of carbonyl group.

§  The carbonyl carbon atom is positively charged which means it is especially susceptible to be attacked by a nucleophile.

§  The carbonyl oxygen is negatively charged that means, nucleophilic addition is susceptible to acid catalysis.

Occurrence of the reaction:

Nucleophilic addition to C-O double bond occurs in one of the two general ways;

1.      When the reagent is a strong nucleophile: The trigonal planer structure of aldehyde or ketone is converted into the tetrahedral product as a result of the addition. In this type of reaction, the Nu uses its electron pair to form bond to the carbon atom of carbonyl group. As it happens, the electron pair of C-O pi bond shifts to electronegative oxygen of carbonyl group and hybridization of carbon and oxygen atoms shifts from sp2 to sp3. The important thing about this step is that oxygen atom of carbonyl group is capable of accommodating electron pair of C-O double bond.


In the second step, oxygen receives a proton. This happens due to full negative charge of oxygen atom and it’s much more basic nature.

2.      When the nucleophile is weak and an acid catalyst is present: The electrophilicity of carbonyl group is increased by the reaction of oxygen atom of carbonyl group with the acid.

The mechanism operates when the carbonyl compounds react with strong acidsin the presenceof weak electrolytes. Acid donates a proton to the oxygen of carbonyl group in the first step. An oxoniumcation, a protonated carbonyl compound, thus formed is highly reactive towards nucleophic attack on the carbon atom of carbonyl group because as compared to unprotonated compound, it have more positive charge.



·         Attack of a Cyanide:

Cyanohydrins are obtained as hydrogen cyanide adds to the aldehydes and ketones. The reaction is carried out by slow addition of a mineral acid to an aqueous solution of sodium cyanide. The acid generates the hydrogen cyanide from sodium cyanide.

NaCN + HClNaCl + HCN

             HNaCN   H           OH

                     C         O+ H      CN                       C

 H3C                                      HCl     CH3         CN

Acetaldehyde                                              AcetaldehydeCyanohidrin


H3C                                                  H3C          OH

C        O + H      CN                        C

H3C                                                  H3C           CN

Acetone                                               Acetone cyanohydrin



Mechanism of Reaction:

           HCN does not have any lone pair. Base (OH-) produces the cyanide ion as a nucleophile.


At the end of the reaction the hydroxyl ion is re-produced. These OH- ions reacts with more and more HCN molecules to generate more CN- ions. In this way, the reaction continuous.


·         Condensation Reaction:

The reaction where two molecules of similar or different compounds combine to give a new compound where the elimination of a small molecule, like water or ammonia, may or may not takes place is called as a condensation reaction.

Aldol Condensation:

Condensation reaction of two carbonyl compounds to generate an adol product is called as an adol condensation reaction.

Aldehydes and ketones that have alpha-hydrogen atom react with a cold dilute alkali solution to produce addition products that are known as aldols.

 O                             O                                          OH               O


     H3C      C   + H      CH2      C     CH3               H3C      C      CH2     C     CH3


       CH3         propanone(acetone)                                CH3

Propanone(Acetone)                                                                   4-hydroxy-4-methyl-2-pentanone


Mechanism of the Reaction:

a.       The hydroxide ion acts as a base. It removes a proton from alpha-carbon of one molecule of the carbonyl compoundto form a carbanion.                                     

b.      The caranion here acts as a nucleophile. It attacks the electrophilic carbonyl carbon atom of the second molecule to form an alkoxide ion.

c.       The alkoxide ion removes a proton from water to form an aldol. The basic catalyst hydroxide ion is produced.


·         Canizzaro’s reaction:

              In the presence of a base, the disproportionation reaction(self-oxidation reduction process) of aldehydes that contains no alpha-hydrogen is called a Canizzaro’s reaction.

           O                                                                              O


2H      C      H  +   NaOH                      CH3OH   + H      C      O  Na+

Formaldehyde                                                     Ethanol               Sodium Formate

Mechanism of reaction:

       I.            Attack of Nucleophile: The hydroxide ion acts as a nucleophile. It attacks on the electrophile carbonyl carbon atom to form a complex anion.

    II.            Transfer of ions: The anion transfers a hydride ion to second molecule of formaldehyde.

The presence of negative charge on oxygen of the anion helps in the loss of hydride ion.

 III.            Formation of Formate ion: The methoxide ion acts as a base and gets a proton from formic acid to form methanol and formate ion.

The formate ion in the presence of alkali gives a salt of the acid.




Both aldehydes and ketones can undergo reduction process (addition of water). Aldehydes are reduced to primary alcohols and ketones to secondary alcohols.

a)    Reduction with sodium Borohydride:

            Alcohols are formed when carbonyl compounds react with sodium borohydride. The reaction occurs by addition of sodium borohydride to an alcoholic or aqueous solution of aldehyde or ketone.

Mechanism of reaction:

1)      Sodium borohydride gives tetrahydroborate (3) ion. The tetrahydroborate ion, is the source of hydride ion.

NaBH4                         Na + +   BH4

2)      This hydride ion acts as a nucleophile that attacks on electrophilic carbon atom of the carbonyl group to give an alkoxide ion.

3)      The alkoxide ion is protonated with water to give an  alcohol.

b)    Catalytic Reduction:

The aldehydes and ketones when undergo reduction with hydrogen in the presence of a metal catalyst like Pd, Pt or Ni from primary alcohols and secondary alcohols respectively.

Hydrogen is added across the carbonyl group.

For Example:




        i.            Oxidation of Aldehydes:

Aldydes undergo oxidation easily by mild oxidizing agent as Fehling’s reagent, Tollen’s reagent and Banedict’ssolution.They can also be converted to carboxylic acids by strong oxidizing agents like sulphuric acid/potassium dichromate and dilute nitric acidThe aldehyde carbonyl group is converted to OH group. The carboxylic acid thus obtains has the same number of C atoms as were present in aldehyde.


      ii.            Oxidation of Ketones:

Oxidation of ketones do not occur easily because of the reason that they require strong C-C bond breakage. With mild oxidizing agents, they do not give reaction.Only strong oxidizing agents can oxidize the ketones like potassium dichromate\ sulphuric acid and conc. HNO3. During oxidation process of ketones, only carbon atom that is adjacent to carbonyl group is attacked. In general, the C atom having smaller number of hydrogen atom is oxidized.

For symmetric ketones, only one C atom present nearest to Carbonyl group is oxidized and two carboxylic acids in a mixture are obtained.

However, for unsymmetrical ketones, the C atom attached with smaller number of H atoms is oxidized and carbonyl group remains attached with smaller alkyle group.




As many C-O double bond are reversible, the overall reaction result depends upon the position of equilibrium. This is in contrast to most of the nucleophilic addition to C-O double bonds and with nucleophilic substitution at saturated c atoms.


REALTIVE REACTIVITY OF CARBONYL COMPOUNDS:                                                    


Generally aldehydes are more reactive in nucleophilic addition reactions than the ketones. Steric factor and electronic factor both favor aldehydes.

Steric Factor:  In aldehydes, as one group is C atom, the central C atom of the tetrahedral product thus formed from aldehyde contains lesser groups and product becomes more stable. The product formation is therefore favored at equilibrium. In ketones the two alkyl groups attached to carbonyl C result in higher steric crowding in tetrahedral product as a result the product becomes less stable. Hence, a smaller amount\concentration of product is available on equilibrium.

Electronic factors: As alkyl groups are electron releasing compounds,therefore, aldehydes are more reactive than ketones on electronic ground. Aldehydes contain single electron releasing group that partially neutralize and hence stabilize the positive charge at the C atom of carbonyl group. Ketones, on the other hand, having two carbonyl groups are more atable. In short, the equilibrium constant for the formation of product that is a tetrahedral compound from a ketone is smaller and hence, the reaction is unfavorable.




The difference between an aldehyde and a ketone is the presence of a hydrogen atom attached to the Carbon-Oxygen double bond in aldehydes. Ketones don't have that hydrogen.

The presence of that hydrogen atom makes aldehydes very easy to oxidize. Because ketones don't have that particular hydrogen atom, they are resistant to oxidation, and only very strong oxidizing agents like potassium manganate (Vll) solution oxidize ketones. However, they do it in a destructive way, breaking carbon-carbon bonds. So, by avoiding using these powerful oxidizing agents, we can easily differ between an aldehyde and a ketone. Aldehydes are easily oxidized by all sorts of oxidizing agents while ketones are not.

Tollen’s Test (Silver Mirror Test):

Tollen's reagent contains the diamminsilver(l) ion. This is made from silver nitrate solution. A drop of sodium hydroxide solution is added to a precipitate of silver oxide, then enough dilute ammonia solution is added to redissolve the precipitate. To carry out the test, A few drops of the aldehyde or ketone is added to the freshly prepared reagent, and warmed gently in a hot water bath for few minutes.

Ketone: There is no change in colorless solution.

Aldehyde: The colorless solution forms the grey precipitates of silver or a silver mirror in the test tube.

Aldehydes reduce the diamminsilver(l) ion to metallic silver. Because the solution would be alkaline, the aldehyde itself will be oxidized to a salt of the corresponding carboxylic acid. The electron-half-equation for the reduction of the diamminsilver (l) ions to silver is:

Combining that with the half-equation for the oxidation of an aldehyde under alkaline conditions:

Gives the overall equation:

Benedict’s Solution Test or Fehling’s Solution Test:

Fehling's solution and Benedict's solution are the variants of essentially the same thing. Both contain complexed copper(ll) ions in an alkaline solution.

◼️ Fehling's solution contains copper(ll) io s complexed with tartrate iond in sodium hydroxide solution.

Complexing the copper(ll) ions with tartarate ions prevents the precipitation of copper(ll) hydroxide.

◼️ Benedict's solution contains copper(ll) ions complexed with citrate ions in sodium carbonate solution. Again, complexing the copper(ll) ions prevents the precipitation formulation, this time of copper(ll) carbonate.

Both solutions are used in the same way. A few drops of the aldehyde or ketone are added to the reagent, and the mixture is warmed gently in a hot water bath for a few minutes.

Ketone:No change in blue solution.

Aldehyde:The blue solution produces a dark red precipitate of copper(ll) oxide.

Aldehydes reduce the complexed copper ll ion to copper l oxide. Because the solution is alkaline, the aldehyde itself is oxidized to a salt of the corresponding carboxylic acid. The equation for these reactions is always simplified to avoid having to write in the formula for the tartarate or citrate ions in the copper complexes. The electron-half-equations for both Fehling's solution and Benedict's solution can be written as:

Combining that with the half-equation for the oxidation of an aldehyde under alkaline conditions:

Overall equation becomes:

Using acidified potassium dichromate solution:

A small amount of potassium dichromate solution is acidified with dilute sulphuric acid and a few drops of the aldehyde or ketone are added. If nothing happens in cold the mixture is warmed gently for a couple of minutes- for example, in a beaker of hot water.

Ketone:No change in the orange solution.

Aldehyde:Orange solution turns green.

The orange dichromate ions have been reduced to green chromium ions by the aldehyde. The electron-half-equation for the reduction of dichromate ions is:

Combining that with the half-equation for the oxidation of an aldehyde under acidic conditions:

Overall reaction becomes:

Sodium Nitropruside Test:

Ketones produce an orange or wine red colour after adding alkaline sodium nitroprusside solution drop by drop.

   Aldehydes do not give this test.


     Ketones and aldehydes are important carbonyl compounds, most important of their reactions is nucleophilic addition to the C-O double bond. Aldehydes are more reactive than ketones and can be distinguished through a variety of chemical tests.


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